
Awarding of Diploma at International Academy of Science

Diplomas of International Academy of Science

Awarding of HC Professor Diplomas

Interviews on Duna Television

Food safety: Quality versus Quantity?

Dr. István Wachtler President of the Strategic Scientific Council; Prof. Dr. László Perlaki Academician, President of the World Federation of Hungarian Academicians and Professors (WFHAP)

Scientists in favour of the Constitutional Process

Prof.Dr.Imre Pozsgay university professor, Academician, Council President of WFHAP; Prof. Dr. László Perlaki Academician, President of the World Federation of Hungarian Academicians and Professors

Science and Practice

Prof. Dr. Gábor Veress university professor, Academician, President of the Federation of Technical and Scientific Societies; Prof. Dr. László Perlaki Academician, President of the World Federation of Hungarian Academicians and Professors

Legislation and Society

Prof. Dr. Lomnici Zoltán President of the Council if Human Dignity, Academician, President of the Strategic Scientific Lawyers’ Council; Prof. Dr. László Perlaki Academician, President of the World Federation of Hungarian Academicians and Professors

Healthcare under Transformation

Prof. Dr. László Svéd MD Lieutenant General, Academician; Prof. Dr. László Perlaki Academician, President of the World Federation of Hungarian Academicians and Professors

Helikon Taverna International Artists’ Colony, Vonyarcvashegy

Ferdinánd Takács painter, Lívia Szencz painter